What's you opinion on those people who think everything is Satanic?

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Prestoff posted...
I remember when I was in highschool and had to go to those Sunday Schools back at my hometown. There was a girl who loves to "preach" and tell others how they're wrong and how she's a good example for others to follow. Whenever anyone "criticizes her" she would cry out of control. So when we had our "sharing" session and our teacher made specific instructions to use only first person (I and me) and to not preach, the girl was not following it. So when the teacher was trying to correct her, she ran out of the classroom crying.

I think after 30 min, she came back with an epiphany she got from God when praying. The reason she criticizes others constantly because she feels God's Prescence and Passion "helping" others to the right path, basically explaining why she feels good doing it (and not because of her ego). While the reason she cries when criticizes because she feels Satan speaking through others and she's sensitive to his evils and the reason others don't like her criticizing is because they have the devil in them (and not because, once again, her ego). Even the Sunday teacher was speechless at her epiphany, and I was secretly laughing but ultimately it made me open my eyes to what degrees people will go to justify their shitty behavior.
Ugh how annoying. Too bad she didn't have an epiphany on how to reign in her damn ego and leave people alone.
I'm just a girl who loves games