The last VG character you played as runs for president/PM of your country.

Current Events

Disclaimer: The last character that you played at is automatically eligible to run regardless of age, nationality, etc. Double Disclaimer: Left-wing and right-wing are determined by your country's standards, not objective standards or global standards.

I think he would have a good chance running as a Democrat in the US. I think he would be popular among left-leaning and independent voters.

Jax, specifically Mortal Kombat 2 era Jackson Briggs, would be disliked by staunch antiwar voters and by conservatives who would struggle for totally-not-racist reasons to try and discredit him. He might also fare poorly among "white liberals" (emphasis quotation marks) who talk about progress, but don't practice it.

For everyone else, I think his charisma, war record, love for his country, dedication to his friends, and general likability would give him an honest shot at the White House.