I separated a dog fight the dumb way now i cant move my hand lmao..

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ProfOaksAide posted...
Thats the worse place to be bit by a dog or cat. They have tons of bacteria that can be deposited straight into the many many layers of the cartilage in your fingers and knuckles. If not treated immediately it could spread systemically and permanently damage your entire hand. Absolute worse case scenario you could actually die from sepsis.

Thats an extreme outcome but still, its a very serious situation. If it doesnt get better in a few days, or if it gets worse, you should go to the hospital because youll need antibiotics a lot more powerful than amoxicillin and possibly need surgery to properly clean out all the infection.
Yeah she told me that might have to be done if it gets worse, she actually thought about shipping me to anchorage asap but decided not to I really dont wanna do allat
pEaK cEman