Sydney Sweeney's Boobs Are Not That Big

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When it comes to the average breast size, the figure thats thrown around for American women is 34DD, which is a little bit larger than what people speculate Sweeneys size to be. That number seems to come from a decade-old survey by lingerie retailer Intimacy, so its also hardly a scientific fact. But think about the boobs that you know in real life, and think about the boobs that you tend to see on the screen. Or even the boobs that tend to get attention as boobs in Hollywoodshown off in low-cut dresses, centered in SNL skits, and generally fawned over. Like, really think about all of them! Sure, small and medium boobs abound. But are Sweeneys really at the top end of the size spectrum hereor is it just that shes a tiny blond white woman? And how would everyone feel here if the boobs werent perky?

This paragraph is pretty much the entire article, and it seems unintelligent?

I agree, the girls boobs shouldnt get so much attention, but to simply say that the average size in the US is 34DD takes away from the fact that the average American is also 4 pounds shy from obesity.

The girl is petite and has big knockers for her frame. Thats the appeal. Guys (straight ones) have an large ogled that type of girl when shes flaunting it.
Live action Hungry Hungry Hippos though, now that was a sport. ~Aeon Azuran