Genshin Impact General 40: Geo Keqing

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Kain_Highwind posted...
So, Arlecchino aside, the other banner characters for the next patch really aren't must pulls, are they? Easily skippable, I'm assuming?

Arlecchino herself is questionable, wait and see.

Lyney is a strong mono pyro nuker, primarily single target but can also compress his whole kit into a very powerful frontloaded burst of damage with AoE.

Wanderer is underwhelming, but some people really like his gameplay.

Baizhu is a great healer for Furina teams and a powerful Quicken healer. Can be pretty niche otherwise. Xianyun would be a better choice.


Generally, we have so many different strong pyro onfielder dpses, each with their own niche, pick 1 or 2 and ignore all others.
Like Diluc or GaMing for plunging if you have Xianyun. Like Klee+Furina for a powerful easy to play forward vape team. Like Yoimiya if you enjoy brainless button mashing (demands very high investment and is awful in AoE situations), Hu Tao for meta. Yanfei can be fun for her simplistic playstyle.
This is my new wife. It's Schrodingers Wife. As long as the box isnt opened, I can continue having multiple possibilities for my ideal wife!