If one Avatar: TLA character was gay, which one do you think it'd be?

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She was trying to get with that one guy who threw the party, and she was jealous of all the male attention Ty got.

There's June, with the giant poisonous mole-beast. She never had any indications one way or the other, only mild dismay when Iroh was "paralyzed" with her.
But that could very much being an Ace character trying to fit it.

Ace and gay teenagers will still go on dates and fake attraction to the opposite sex while growing up to fit in with the crowd. I went on dates, I had physical attraction to girls (which I realize now was me appreciating the ascetic appearance) when I was a teen. I did it because everyone did it. I didn't even realize I was ace until I was nearly thirty. And looked back on everything though that context.

So showing attraction and trying to date someone isn't concrete evidence that somehow is straight. Hell a good sociopath needs to be able to fake things. Azula is a sociopath.
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