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I swear too many turn to political polls not really understanding those things don't always tell the story you think it does. Often being paraded around like a black and white subject.

Calling for a ceasefire andor deescalation =/= each and everyone in a poll shares the same nuance to get there. Nuance in specifically, being yours stance 100% on how it should be handled vs the another.

This is one of the many issues with political polling being paraded around in such a black and white manner discussing opinions. A very controversial hot topic one at that.

Something like the terms of the ceasefire isn't even agreed on, with the people who actually live there with deeprooted hatred of the other side, let alone people not even living there like us. So a poll making an unnuanced and very broad position of a ceasefire, doesn't mean everyone in said poll actually agrees with you 100% on how to handle a nuanced problem.