Where do you guys think me and this girl stand?

Current Events

ryudo500 posted...
still want to send another text to her

She isn't waiting by her phone anxiously just begging you to reply. That is a scenario to imagine being played out in manga or anime. Where she looks sad because you didn't chase her continously.

You should delete her number and her messages, and even her contact details/remove as a friend on social media. Not block her, but move on as an acquaintance who you once knew.

In a few days you might post here again because you've just been thinking could send a small probe message,
"hey how r u havent heard in a while was hoping ur doing good checking if u wanted to chill for easter, go get some eggs and hang out, no biggie, you're probably busy, don't worry if you cant, hope u see this msg, maybe i should post a letter through ur door if ur so ill lol j/k ne ways just been thinking about life n u popped into my mind so just seeing if u wanted to do something i culd give u a present like easter bunny lol unless ur lactose intolerant haha but i guess i could get soya milk egg just let me know ne ways ok speak 2 u soon or text 2 u soon lmao funny that we dont say that language is weird sometimes im talking too much again im such a klutz lol ok take care u hope ur doing well and successful n if u ever want to talk then just let me know im always here for you ill never ghost u promise ok right i gotta get 2 work now make dat bread haha even tho i dont actually work in a bakery my jokes r bad do u kno ne good ones if so save them 4 wen we meet if ur free sometime if not thats ok im just worried abt u just a bad feeling prob nothing but u kno how it is wen it comes to those u love lol ok chill and peace out"
Needed: New Pokemon Puzzle League, Shining Force and Left 4 Dead....