Where do you guys think me and this girl stand?

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ryudo500 posted...

thank you for posting last few days and youve been honest with the situation.

do you liek my post or what my brother said? most my inner circle is saying just to move on but thats becuase they thnk im having this theard ofhope and whatnot and they prolly think i cant handle the emotions that come with so having closure is good

I feel like you know what you're going to do.

Advice aside.

Ask yourself. Do you think you can live without attempting things further? If the answer is no. Ask her out. Even though it doesn't seem like it will work out. If she ghosts you again you're going to have to just drop it or risk getting a reputation.

At this point your wheels are spinning. There isn't a whole lot speculation is going to do for you at this point. Shes either going to ghost you again, say yes, or lead you on. Given she ghosted you for 8 days I don't see her saying yes unless it's to lead you on.