He did it again (Brandon Sanderson, Cosmere)

Current Events

I commend his work output and Im actually interested in reading The Stormlight Archive but I have this terrible habit of starting and getting hooked on unfinished series and this would be no different.

Over the last 14 years he has written the first 5 books but hes taking a break to write the next Mistborn trilogy and when he resumes it will take another presumably same chunk of time to finish the next 5 books as he said it was a planned 10 book series.

But again I commend him for all the stuff he does, you can expect a book in the series every 3 to 4 years when not on a break. I wish George R.R. Martin or fucking Patrick Rothfuss would take some inspiration from him.

At least when Stephen King got off his ass and decided to finish The Dark Tower he knocked out the final 3 books in 4 years! I understand not everyone can keep that pace but when we wait 12 years for a book thats ridiculous.

So kudos to Sanderson for being regular.
PSN ID: sled_dogs76
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