Every pervert character in anime is better without that trait.

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Torgo posted...

I'm fairly left, I consider myself a feminist, but I am generally against demanding we change written fictional media to exclude things.


1) Perverts exist in real life
2) Usually even if the pervert is a generally positive character, the being a pervert is shown as a character weakness and flaw.

I also am less inclined to demand changes to media from other cultures and languages, since I don't have a deep understanding or immersion in Japanese culture the same I have for American culture, and Euro-centric culture being a white American dude.

Dont make perverts the good guys.

Dont make perverts comic relief.

Easy fix without removing them. Ive never seen it used as a flaw until Denji in Chainsaw Man. But I dont watch anime like that.
A show of kindness may not do much help, but a show of cruelty may do much harm.