These two ESPN stooges are dead wrong about the top 5 hardest sports.

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lydiaquayle posted...
I never understood why Olympics doesn't define sports as having an athletics as a vital component to a competitive activity?
It's quite obvious that chess is a competitive activity, but shouldn't be considered an athletic 'sport'.
If the Olympics aren't about athletics, then might as well make cooking, cleaning, and singing a 'sport'.

I don't understand either They've never defined sport that way. Here's IOC's stance about sport:
What are the conditions required for a sport to be recognised by the IOC?

To be recognised by the IOC, a sport must first of all be governed by an International Federation (IF). This is required in order to conform to the Rules of the Olympic Charter, the World Anti-Doping Code as well as the Olympic Movement Code on the Prevention of Manipulation of Competitions.

Yeah that's it. That's the whole answer. However it's clear as day that IOC prefers sport with physical athleticism so why did they acknowledge FIDE in 1999? Plus how the heck is FIDE supposed to check for doping as outlined above?!

They could've just said no to chess in the first place yet they didn't. So now chess is an officially recognized sport that will never be an event. That's just weird