Nearly done with my first turn of the Dark Tower. (Spoilers)

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archizzy posted...
I started this series in high school when only the first 2 books were done. I remember when The Wastelands came out and was brand new. This started me on a lifelong journey where I have this bad habit of starting series I end up really liking that are unfinished and I have to wait a long time.

I like the series but I admit Im one who was pissed off at the ending. The only positive I can say is he at least knocked the last 3 books out in a 2 year period and didnt make me keep waiting. I wish George R.R. Martin would take a lesson from him on that.

My favorite single book in the series is Wizard and Glass. Damn I love that book. The series starts so strong and continues to really build through those first 4 books. I also agree its not the same after that.

I still overall like the series and Im glad I read it but I can never reread it because the ending bothers me so much and I cant get into the journey of the books knowing how it turns out.

Wizard and Glass is so good. I read it in hardcover when it first came about almost 30 years ago now. And I still think about parts of it regularly. What a book.

An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.