Gentle reminder: exercise

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supermichael11 posted...
Sadly while exercise helps, it doesn't erase problem that people may have.

It doesn't erase whatever past a person has.

Memories can be a blessing and a curse.
CBT, my friend.

I think most people have things in their past that haunt them. Some have have it harder than others.

But you can challenge those thoughts. Definitely look into cognitive behavior therapy when you get the chance.

GeneralKenobi85 posted...
I find it too hard to believe that it will actually make me feel any better even though I know it does for most people.
Sometimes its the smallest changes that come together and have the biggest impact.

For example, I used to be one of those types who would be on my phone checking social media, email, and more before bed

Had HORRIBLE sleep because of that. Now I unwind like and hour before bed without phone, laptop, or anything else thats crazy stimulating. I sleep so much better now, which affects every single aspect of my life.