What Do You Think the Michigan Primary Results Will Be for Democrats?

Current Events

Humble_Novice posted...

Look whose mask is beginning to slip up.

There is no mask. I don't like partisan major party people who constantly berate the grassroots and I think Biden and Trump are bad nominees. If you think the online left is so insignificant then stop bitching about it, plain and simple.

streamofthesky posted...
They can try to sand bag all they want, anyone w/ a brain knows they're full of shit.
Their true "goal" was to under-perform Obama's re-election primary uncommitted vote by 0.9%?

It's a different era. Obama's primary in 2008 was a dead heat the whole way. Biden's in 2020 was completely lopsided after Super Tuesday. Nowadays the party coalesces a lot earlier because there's a rush to unite against Trump.

In the modern era where people fear Trump 10% against the incumbent president and obvious nominee is impressive.

streamofthesky posted...
I guess him "only" winning 70% in purple NH should've sent the campaign into panic mode, then. Yet oddly the media didn't think so back then.

Because he wasn't on the fucking ballot. You're gonna underperform if you're not on the ballot. Now you're complaining that people aren't making a frivolous complaint against Biden.
Stop it. Get some help.