Lara is back. Tifa is back. There's a pattern here >_>

Current Events

Rharyx211 posted...
Tifa never left, y'all were just being weirdos.

Lara got a reduction.
Samus got a reduction.
Tifa got a reduction.

There is a pattern here.

You can say I'm a loser, but you can't deny what is happening. It's not a conspiracy. It's not internet nerds preemptively being outraged. We said it would happen and it did. We knew it would because it's happened already. Because it's a clear and continuous pattern.

I don't care. I'm a fucking nerd. Whatever.

No, I don't need big breasts on a female character to find her interesting as a character. You don't need profanity and gratuitous bloodshed to have a good time at the movies. But if there's a PG-13 sequel or remake to an R-rated movie, people flip a table because they're being denied something they used to have. It's the same thing here.

If you go to favorite place to eat and find one day that they've stopped serving alcohol, you'd be within your rights to go someplace else even if the food is just as good as it always was.

Even if you don't care about fictional breasts (or real breasts on women playing fictional characters). Even if you're not into women period, it's still a bad thing to remove all buxom women from the media. You are saying that there is a certain type of person who you do not want to be featured in the media and it's through no fault of their own. This is like taking every story which had a Jewish character in it and replacing them with non-Jewish characters. You would be selectively removing a group of people from having any media presence or representation.

It's not just censorship. It's discrimination. How are women with large breasts supposed to feel in real life when they're not good enough to make it into movies? What does it say to them that body types and personality types are treated one and the same and that busty types are the "bimbo" types that we don't want? I suppose they can go out and get reductions if they want to be treated fairly.

Cover Tifa up more. Take away her midriff. Make it so that there's no bounce or jiggle -- just fat dead space. But don't flatten her because women with sizable breasts are somehow bad people according to the censors who think themselves progressive.

It's like there's an Anti-Tit League that gets to dictate who has an appropriate enough body type to achieve representation. And, according to them, women with small wastes and large busts are unworthy.
