Getting real sick of my fiancees shit

Current Events

I've had 4 jobs since we've been together, and every time I'm looking for something new it's all negativity from her. She's never once been excited or supportive of anything I want to do.

- Applied for and got a position as Director of HR for a fortune 500 company. "Are you qualified for that?" Got laid off

- Took a temp position as a loadout operator which led to a customer service/logistics position "Will you be happy/able to do that?" Moved to a different state in 2020 due to job uncertainty

- another temp to hire position quoting prototype PCBs "Are you qualified or educated enough to do that? You don't know shit about computers?" Took a diff job because the company was hemmoraghing money

- Took a position as a DSP which turned into a Service Coordinator position "You're not trained to do that, they're not going to let just anyone work in mental health." Got fired as retaliation for insisting we move a client to a higher level of care because he was a danger to himself and the community

I applied and got accepted for college to finish my degree. Same thing: "Are you going to be able to that? I'd hate to see you just sit onnthe couch playing video games instead of doing your coursework"

Just had a big fight about it and I'm about done. Called her out and asked "you don't fucking think much of me, do you? Literally everything I do is for us and to better my life and ours, and it's ALWAYS negativity and dissaproval." The irony being when I met her she had been working at Starbucks for ten years with no prospects of anything better. I encouraged and supported her in finding something better and she now makes $54k in the medical field.

Not sure what I'm expecting from this topic but I'm drunk and needing to vent
If anyone disparaged you the way you disparage yourself, I would wish to strike them with an axe