Watching S6 of Love is Blind

Current Events

I legit think there was something wrong with that guy (Matthew).

Episode 2 spoilers - He confessed to loving Amber ("AD") and said a lot of shit to her, about wanting to leave with her "tomorrow" and wanting to ask her dad for her hand in marriage and stuff like that. Then come to find out... there's a *second* Amber and he said literally verbatim the same stuff to her (off camera, we only find out from the two women interacting).

Episode 3 spoilers - Amber 2 suggests she's going to ... get something she wanted (not sure if it's revenge or getting together with the guy). AD goes on her pod date with Matthew - he gives a weird speech about how America loves an underdog and he thinks America supports him now and he feels bad for breaking her heart on national TV and he can't "go through with her plan" (.... he planned everything though...). AD leaves. Matthew walks into the Men's Quarters and says, "Time to get Amber".

And then they haven't showed Amber 2 or Matthew since then... it's like they cut their scenes out of the show entirely. Maybe they come up later but it's weird timing if so.
RS3: UltimaSuende