CE I present to you an neanderthal woman.

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Current Events » CE I present to you an neanderthal woman.
Best damn game about Ninja http://www.i-mockery.com/minimocks/ninjagolf/ninjagolf-flashgame.php
Didn't she just tell someone to kiss her ass. Not a very classy lady this one.
Italian, French, German.
The left is more snoo-able than the right, but is body-shaming really the way to go in politics?

Her following doesn't support her because she's a cavewoman. They support her because she's a bigoted piece of trash. Looks probably have nothing to do with that. "Hurr, hurr, you're ugly" is hardly a good political dig.

Does anyone have a full-body pic of the one on the left?
That's rude to neanderthals.
evening main 2.4356848e+91
Our ancestors, or at least European ancestors.... had low standards to breed with Neanderthals if they all looked like that
Left one is hotter
Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
Current Events » CE I present to you an neanderthal woman.