My government appointed Gay D&D group is going swimmingly!!

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Current Events » My government appointed Gay D&D group is going swimmingly!!
We just finished our 2nd session! AMA if u want.
I'm getting the hang of it finally. It's not as hard as I initially thought it would be. I kind of wished I was more useful though lol...
Shoulda been a bard then
Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
why did the government appoint this?
Why did the government form a d&d group?
Hey don't call your D&D group gay, that's rude.
Biden approved D&D'ing
New York Rangers [2004-2008]
DocileOrangeCup posted...
AMA if u want

I don't even know where to begin.
Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
Jagr_68 posted...
Biden approved D&D'ing

just like we drew it up
Post #9 was unavailable or deleted.
Are you playing with TeaMilk? Also why don't they like me?
Dynamite with a laser beam
Smackems posted...
Shoulda been a bard then
He's the music guys right

WingsOfGood posted...
why did the government appoint this?
It's group therapy!

Mistere_Man posted...
Why did the government form a dnd group?
It's not government appointed in the sense that the government called for it to happen, it's more so the government is funding it.

obsolete posted...
Hey don't call your D&D group gay, that's rude.
I'm PRETTY sure everyone is some kind of gay so I feel like it's ok.

Jagr_68 posted...
Biden approved D&D'ing
Gimme stimmy so I can buy 400 dollars Meteorite dice
TendoDRM posted...
I don't even know where to begin.
Bro just go with ur heart

WingsOfGood posted...
just like we drew it up
It's on the defense budget

AssultTank posted...
What class, level, and subclass?
Uhh level 1?? Also I'm not entirely sure what a subclass is...

Crimsoness posted...
Are you playing with TeaMilk? Also why don't they like me?
Nah they're at home probably eating tea or something.
Why do u think they don't like u?? They r chill and VERY down 2 earth...
That is cool, and it sounds like a lot of fun imo.
Post #14 was unavailable or deleted.
DocileOrangeCup posted...
Why do u think they don't like u?? They r chill and VERY down 2 earth...
I just got that feeling
Dynamite with a laser beam
Mistere_Man posted...
That is cool, and it sounds like a lot of fun imo.
It is! I wish it were longer than 80 minutes a week tbh.

AssultTank posted...
It'll be your Domain. Clerics do choose at level 1. :P

I absolutely LOVE clerics. Just remember Spirit Guardians is AMAZING for damage if you're in melee.
Domain is uh... Life domain I think?

Omg I'm not sure if I even got that one... We haven't really fought anything yet so idk. Any other tips? Ty

Crimsoness posted...
I just got that feeling

I'm sorry if something happened to make you think that but I'm pretty sure they only actually dislike a few people on here and you aren't one of them.
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Post #18 was unavailable or deleted.
obsolete posted...
Hey don't call your D&D group gay, that's rude.

Hey, don't call your gay group D&D. That's just weird and doesn't make grammatical sense
Kremlin delenda est
AssultTank posted...
Remember that the way damage and healing is balanced, actually healing your party directly in combat is the weakest thing you can do. Healing Word on a downed ally is worth doing.
Cure Wounds is a trap spell. It doesn't heal enough to be worth the spell slot.
Aid is an amazing spell.
Damage prevented is way more impactful than damage healed.

But the way healing works, if a player is left at 1HP, it's worse to heal them than to do damage. In general if player's health plus your average heal amount for a spell is less than the average damage of the monster, don't heal them as it is a waste of your action.

Example, Billy the fighter has 6 Hit points remaining. Your cure wounds does 1d8+4, which is an average of 8.5. So his effective total is 14.5. If the monster damage is anything above that, healing Billy will not save him. When the monster attacks it'll knock him out even if you healed him, thus healing him is equal to not taking an action but still burning a spell slot.

Also, Spirit Guardians is a spell you'll get at 5th level. Aid you'll get at 3rd.
I did heal one lady with uhh....something. i cant find my actual abilities since the updated character sheet is only physical and not on me, but here's something??
Cleric (Life Domain), level 1:
Spellcasting (Cleric 1, PHB 58) [3 cantrips known]
I can cast prepared cleric cantrips/spells, using Wisdom as my spellcasting ability
I can use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus for my cleric spells
I can cast my prepared cleric spells as rituals if they have the ritual tag
Bonus Proficiency (Life Domain 1, PHB 60)
I gain proficiency with heavy armor
Disciple of Life (Life Domain 1, PHB 60)
Whenever a 1st-level or higher spell I cast restores HP to a creature, it heals more
The creature regains an additional 2 + spell level (SL) worth of hit points
Note that "X/SL" on the spell page means per spell slot level above the spell's normal level

oh damn i think i have cure wounds, im not sure tho. we got BLASTED and i had to heal myself as well so im currently out of spells i think? i need to nap or something before i can use more.

woah....ok thanks, i think im understanding! its complicated but we haven't actually fought anything yet so i figure it wont be THAT crucial. plus 1 gnome guy on our team is kinda op so hopefully we wont have too much trouble.

Cpt_Pineapple posted...
hey congrats at the super bowel

ROBANN_88 posted...
Hey, don't call your gay group D&D. That's just weird and doesn't make grammatical sense
What is the government funding? The pizza?
Current Events » My government appointed Gay D&D group is going swimmingly!!