Remember Pyro from the first 3 X-Men movies? He's looking rough in DP3

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Current Events » Remember Pyro from the first 3 X-Men movies? He's looking rough in DP3
Yeah, in the trailer he looked like he'd fallen on some hard times.
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He was blackballed in Hollywood after trying to expose Singer & his DEN buddies for being fucking pedophiles & rapists.

You can read part of the story here.
its been 20 years...
You think you've Got problems?
garan posted...
He was blackballed in Hollywood after trying to expose Singer & his DEN buddies for being fucking pedophiles & rapists.

You can read part of the story here.

That's the wrong Pyro
Not even sure if its suppose to be the same timeline as the first three movies. Hell not even sure if the first three movies and Logen and Days of the Future Past were all in one reality at this point...
I actually forgot Pyro was played by a different actor in the original movie.
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tc also looking a little rough after 20 years
Grim Reaper: "Your time has come"
Xsquader: "sir whats your badge number?"
noisetank posted...
tc also looking a little rough after 20 years

Nah. I still look great and similar to what I looked like 20 years ago :D
Im glad hes back. He was awesome in X-2.
You gonna do something or just stand there and bleed?
Pyro in the comics got the legacy virus, maybe the movie version does too
Raikuro posted...
Pyro in the comics got the legacy virus, maybe the movie version does too

What's the legacy virus?
Ruvan22 posted...
What's the legacy virus?
Mutant AIDS.
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I didn't even realize that guy was supposed to be Pyro. lol.

It stinks that the movies were afraid of letting the characters dress like comic book characters
FortuneCookie posted...
I didn't even realize that guy was supposed to be Pyro. lol.

It stinks that the movies were afraid of letting the characters dress like comic book characters
Yea I have always hated that. Even the mcu does it. Captain America isn't allowed to look truely comic like. Just vaguely familiar with his real costume. Hollywood is scared of true comic book costumes
The problem is a lot of comic book costumes don't translate very well to live action. It tends to be why live action anime adaptations get knocked on for looking "hokey." They look fine in the art style of the original medium, but not so much live action. There's not really any solid way to make a live action version of Pyro's costume, for example, without it looking like he's wearing a cheap knockoff at a cosplay convention, because it'd just... Look weird, regardless.
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Current Events » Remember Pyro from the first 3 X-Men movies? He's looking rough in DP3