Girl Makes Fun of SHORT MAN & Posts It On TIKTOK! Man's Life Is RUINED!

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Current Events » Girl Makes Fun of SHORT MAN & Posts It On TIKTOK! Man's Life Is RUINED!
Gladius_ posted...
Not the point she also didn't mean to. She didn't think she was doing or saying anything wrong and that was only an example I brought up that just so happened to be in another thread. As said, this wasn't a rebuttal, I simply thought it amusing.

The direct comparison I did use that is different but has been used to hurt people is others sharing people's nudes without said permission. This has resulted to numerous suicides.

I'm sorry but it's a bad comparison. One person put herself out there, the other was just sitting outside and another person decided to broadcast them without consent.

I'm not going to say that men have never done similar, I'm just saying the example you used is a bad example. They're not comparable situations.
The commercial says that Church isn't for perfect people, I guess that's why I'm an atheist.
Post #52 was unavailable or deleted.
If this is true then hopefully it doesn't gain much more traction.

Shaming people for aspects of theirs they have no control over is as bottom dweller as it gets.
3DS FC:3368-5403-9633 Name: Kaizer
PSN: Blackkaizer
Gladius_ posted...

What are you arguing against? It never was meant to be a one for one example. I merely said that people love viral videos of "ditzy women" especially "blondes." In fact it has been a movie trope for a long time. This is an example of that.

In the original thread you replied to I said this:

I never compared it to the guy in the original post.

So what comparison?

In the post before that I mentioned that our issues are not exactly the same. So I already conceded on that point.

Whatever, just seems pointless to have quoted me if you agree it's a bad example.
The commercial says that Church isn't for perfect people, I guess that's why I'm an atheist.
How is his life ruined? I really don't believe everyone is on tiktok
How quaint.
Post #56 was unavailable or deleted.
C_Pain posted...
How is his life ruined? I really don't believe everyone is on tiktok
Because TC is making weird exaggerations for whatever reason
Sack to crack, going to town
Ita a story on Reddit so there's like a 70% chance this is completely made up.

If it is real though, his life isn't ruined. Normal people don't make fun of you because of some random lady's tiktok.
Dokkan ID: 2365415872
C_Pain posted...
How is his life ruined? I really don't believe everyone is on tiktok
This makes absolutely no sense as a post because the concept of viral means that most people are going to be sharing said clip on tiktok and redistributing it on youtube, instagram, facebook, and twitter. which means people close to you will see it.

jobs will refuse to hire someone or do background searches on someone, find out that the guy got "Exposed" in a viral video and refuse to hire him. Thus limiting his job oppertunities. Women he is dating will see the video and not want to associate with him due to the bad press
MTRodaba2468 posted...
You keep saying his life has been "destroyed" even though the guy in question hasn't said that, and is only talking about concerns that could happen later (all of which are pretty minor).

I feel like this topic wasn't made with the best intentions in mind...
You're the one thats wrong. Being viral means that your face, and your life is shared with tons of people. Which increases the chance of people doxxing you, jobs finding out what happened, people making fun of you, and more.

Because he got made fun of, he is limited in terms of

A. Finding a job
B. Dating Women
C. Random people knowing who he is, and laughing at him
D. Online Harassment.

This is a life being ruined. Because he didn't sign up for this. He didn't consent to being part of someones social media platform. This evil individual destroyed and ruined EVERYTHING about him.
Post #61 was unavailable or deleted.
PS: Being "short" is one of the few things where people can make fun of you for doing this, and not get backlash. Same thing with being bald.
Post #63 was unavailable or deleted.
Oh yes he is. and he's losing dating opportunities too, because drama related to folks is often a turn off for many. The consequences of going viral is massive, and it's destroyed the lives of many who never wanted said clout in the first place
Post #65 was unavailable or deleted.
Extreme_Liberal posted...
Oh yes he is
Because the Crow0000 alt said so?
Post #67 was unavailable or deleted.
Extreme_Liberal posted...
now the guy's life is pretty much ruined and in shambles.
This is some pretty absurd hyperbole. The woman doing that to him was shitty, but I don't think this is really going to impact his life.
Gladius_ posted...
Oh. Is that who this is? I'm done then.
Don't know, but functionally identical is in practice indistinguishable from identical.
It's funny how people keep making the argument for "his life isn't ruined" and yet conveniently ignore the mental health aspect of it. Many people already don't like being filmed. Now imagine being filmed w/o your consent. And having someone's large platform make fun of you. and then seeing the comments and knowing so many people are against you or despise you for something beyond your control. and then people who you know are recognizing you or telling you about it.

And the fact that people are downplaying this is insane. Imagine if this happened to your mother, father, brother, sister, or other family member
Post #71 was unavailable or deleted.
Where's the proof that this is even true let alone ruining his life?

Shitty behavior isn't limited to one gender but TC saw this as an opportunity to attack women.

Michigan Wolverines 30 to Ohio state 24: 11/25/23
Michigan Wolverines Football:15-0 ,Rose Bowl Champions&National Champions
There is literally no proof this actually even happened. The Reddit post is the account's literal only post, and they never returned.

Similarly, this topic was the TC's first or second active post, at the time.

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trivialbeing posted...
why are americans like this

I find that username suspicious.
Extreme_Liberal posted...
jobs will refuse to hire someone or do background searches on someone, find out that the guy got "Exposed" in a viral video and refuse to hire him.

"Exposed" for doing what exactly? Existing while being short?
This topic is an absolute joke, I can't believe anyone is buying this shit.
It is impossible to live in the past, difficult to live in the present, and a waste to live in the future.
ItsNotA2Mer posted...
"Exposed" for doing what exactly? Existing while being short?
This topic is an absolute joke, I can't believe anyone is buying this shit.
Being made fun of for something out of your control, to thousands of followers and viewers who are making fun of you

Is literally being exposed! Your face gets plastered up, people negatively comment on you, and you have absolutely no say in the matter.
Extreme_Liberal posted...
Being made fun of for something out of your control, to thousands of followers and viewers who are making fun of you

Is literally being exposed! Your face gets plastered up, people negatively comment on you, and you have absolutely no say in the matter

More realistic scenario; You got shot down by some girl, and now you create weird passive aggressive incel stealth topics.
And then you actually expect me to believe that this person is losing out on jobs because an employer saw a video of them just standing there, doing absolutely nothing.
Uh-huh, cool story bro.
It is impossible to live in the past, difficult to live in the present, and a waste to live in the future.
Current Events » Girl Makes Fun of SHORT MAN & Posts It On TIKTOK! Man's Life Is RUINED!
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