I feel like a freak for being the one person who does not like remote work/wfh.

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Current Events » I feel like a freak for being the one person who does not like remote work/wfh.
Nah, I don't like WFH either.
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It doesn't matter to me, honestly. WFH or at an office, work is work. My goal is just to get it done as quickly as possible so I can get on with more enjoyable things. Not that I dislike my job, mind, but even a good job is still work.

I can understand both sides of the coin though. I prefer home to be "sacred" and exempt from work, so I have a work corner that is for nothing except that. Keep the rest clear.
I don't like it either, I need the separation.
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I'm not a fan of it but I will do it a couple times a year.

I need separation of my work/life space, especially since my apartment is so small. I can focus easier coming into the office and sitting at my desk to get work done.

I don't knock it for people who do like it though, whatever works for you that you like.
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Only reason I haven't left my job is because we're 95% WFH (1-2 days a month in office) and honestly if they make us go back permanently I'm looking for something else. I've saved thousands in gas alone over the last almost 4 years at this point. I don't waste 2+ hours every day sitting in traffic. I don't have to get up at 5:30 in the morning anymore so that I can get to work on time if I leave by 6:45 am. I don't have to leave work at 6-7:00 PM so that it doesn't take me an hour and a half to get home and at which point I'm so exhausted I don't feel like doing anything.

Even though I work with my best friend, I don't need to see my coworkers every day to feel like I've socialized, I have my friends for that. I'm much more productive at home because there's not people bothering you all day and you can focus on your work. I'm actually less productive when I have to go in the office these days because not only do I lose the time driving to and from, but those days are always just meetings and nothing can get done.
"How can.. the Prime minister.. support a law.. that makes it illegal for people.. who....What I'm trying to say is.. Oasis rules!"
TheGoldenEel posted...
The stats show that, on average, wfh is better for the employee. That doesnt mean its better for everyone
Is this the meme that we forgot to ask someone else if they consented to wfh? I did specifically mention the employee benefits as well, but management or real estate owners don't really matter when we're talking about the health of a workforce. And people shouldn't be getting their socialization needs from offices & work because that interrupts the flow of office relationships, which are supposed to be kept strictly professional.

It's not in other worker's listings to provide that interaction with people, & given the car centric nation that is the US, less car congestion, less deaths & accidents, less pollution, & safer commutes because not everyone has to leave their house for the unpaid labor that is transportation, rectifies a lot of issues we all complain about.

Coffee shops, fast food places, restaurants, & so on will likely rely more on the gig economy, which would then mean that industry also needs to be improved for the worker, even if we have to get shitty substitutes like prop 22 in California.
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I've never had a WFH job, but I've always been on the fence on if I'd like it or not. Setting up a set office/station for work will help with distractions, but I do like some form of social aspect with actual people around me. Kind of like how I have more than enough gym equipment at home to have a REALLY damn good exercise routine, but I still go to the gym because it gets me out of the house.
Current Events » I feel like a freak for being the one person who does not like remote work/wfh.
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