do you think you could defeat an adult leopard in a fight (barehanded)?

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Ah someone already did your topic TC. I don't need to bother with anymore nonsense.

In this topic i had to read some of the most stupid, if not the absolute most stupid things ever written on the internet. This topic is complete proof of the fact most people here watched plenty of MMA in their lifes and at the same time they never saw real animals once outside youtube videos. Someone who has seen in real life an healthy adult Leopard or Puma easily understands how severe most of the nonsense written here are. I read about 130kg humans punching prime male Leopards. I read about 130kg humans picking up and slamming Leopard to the ground.

So basically people in this topic are saying one of the absolute most clumsy and slowest mammals on the planet (a 130 kg human) can easily handle one of the absolute fastest and most explosive mammals on the planet (a Leopard).

So how exactly your 130kg punch is gonna land on the leopard, which by the way is at most 70cm taller of the ground?

How exactly your 130kg Mma clown is gonna pick up something which can climb 15 meters trees in couple seconds? Try pick up your house cat when it doesnt want to get picked up, you ll find out what it means claws stuck in the flesh.

You are talking about one of the most agile, fastest and explosive mammals ever lived like it is some sort of sloth hanging from some branches, ready to be hit and handled by slower than average humans.

Final thing: please for the sake of intelligence stop posting the same FAKE stories about people killing leopards bare handed. Please stop. Those stories are FAKE.
How old are you guys? Below 5?
Dont you realize that at the very minimum autopsy would have been conducted on the Leopards bodies by medical or academic institutions? Dont you realize some universities or researchers over the years would have published detailed articles about this very rare incidents? Dont you realize the only "proof" you have about this stories are shady newspapers without any interview or footage whatsoever?

Do we really need to bring up in 2023 the story of the Russian man chocking the Leopard with his hat or we can move on and recognize when something is total fake stuff?

In a modern world where nobody gives a oh no a swear word anymore about wild animals, people in animal forums instead of writing about the incredible physical feats of wild animals they write how a villager kills leopards bare handed because a shady online newspaper said so.

I hope some of the posters will grow into adults capable of using their brains