What's the ideal driving speed relative to the posted speed limit?

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UnsteadyOwl posted...
Do you have a link or something for that? If I'm driving the speed limit and a person is tailgating me it seems like I'm following the law and they're not but you're saying I'm the one who's in the wrong.
Everyone driving bumper to bumper is more unsafe than just going 5 over because thats what the flow of traffic would be if you werent slowing everything done

the odds of you getting a ticket for 5 over are infinitesimal

the law on multi-lane roads in most states is that slower traffic needs to keep rightthis language is specifically worded to not mention speed limit because driving slower than everyone else is unsafe


Q. Isnt driving always safer?
A. No, federal and state studies have consistently shown that the drivers most likely to get into accidents in traffic are those traveling significantly below the average speed. According to an Institute of Transportation Engineers Study, those driving 10 mph slower than the prevailing speed are six times as likely to be involved in an accident. That means that if the average speed on an interstate is 70 mph, the person traveling at 60 mph is far more likely to be involved in an accident than someone going 70 or even 80 mph.

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