Weight Loss Social: 4 Powered up edition. (Newcomers welcomed )

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a little tough love to myself but if it motivates anyone else, kudos.

You are overweight, it is not cool, or something to celebrate. Every pound you lose is a pound that you shouldn't have had in the first place, because you were enjoying yourself too much. The current you is what happens when you don't take care of your body and should serve as a reminder of what you could be if you ever forget that. Never stop working until you're happy with the you you are. The seats aren't too small on airplanes/amusement parks and there's nothing wrong with the weight limits on many activities, you're just too big because you were lazy and negligent and even when you saw a problem you didn't rectify it.

So do better, be better. Work harder than anyone so you can enjoy life, while you're still young or very soon you will be living a pathetic life, lonely and taking medication to combat your many weight related illnesses and injuries, to die a early death at the hands of a heart attack. Enjoy the fact that each day you wake up you are better and more healthier than the day before, never give up or lose sight of your goal. Everything in this world will be better when you return to the realm of the healthy.