Weight Loss Social: 4 Powered up edition. (Newcomers welcomed )

Current Events

cjsdowg posted...
Here are my starting and current stats:

Starting weight: 261 lbs
Current weight: 210 lbs (224 lbs last topic)
Weight loss: 51 lbs
Starting workout frequency: 0 days/week 3 last topic
Current workout frequency: at least 7 days Cardio/ 3 Weight Training

Goals for this month: Get out of the 200s.

My weight has been fluctuating a lot lately. One day it was 219 and the next day it was 210. I know its normal for weight to vary throughout the week, but this seems strange. Maybe I need a new scale. Last week, I went to the doctor and weighed 223. But it was cold and I was wearing a hoodie, jeans, shoes, and carrying a heavy wallet. So I dont think that was accurate. I used to dream of reaching 225 as my goal weight. I thought I would celebrate by eating meat and other treats. But when I saw that number, I felt disappointed. I realized I had already gone past that. Its crazy how your perspective can change over time. I used to look at 225 with hope, but now I look at it with so differently now.

Good job! Whats your height?
I remember when i dropped to 200lbs at 6"1 and and felt i need to lose 20 more to look the way i imagined after dropping like 60 or 80lbs that one time. But i lost motivation and gained weight back lol

I wash myself with a rag on stiiick