Does anyone still use a regular toaster?

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Current Events » Does anyone still use a regular toaster?
Stagmar posted...
Same. For some reason, the idea of something that sits there permanently taking up counter space is bizarre to me.
But so does a regular toaster...
How quaint.
GeminiDeus posted...
What? What about microwaves?
I live in a 40 year old house. The microwave is above the range.

Cuticrusader09 posted...
My small appliances stay on my counter -coffee maker, microwave, toaster oven, fancy Japanese rice cooker and fancy Japanese water boiler.
I find that crazy. If I did that Id have nowhere to prepare food.

DuranOfForcena posted...
counterspace is literally made to be taken up by appliances
Its made for preparing food.

C_Pain posted...
But so does a regular toaster...
I put away the toaster when Im not using it, so no.
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Waffle maker toasts better.
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Dakimakura posted...
As opposed to an irregular toaster?
I came here to say this
Just a girl in the great big world
Yes, I probably toasted like 200+ slices of bread today alone.
Feeling really good.
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Current Events » Does anyone still use a regular toaster?
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