How does a person NOT have a cell phone.

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wackyteen posted...
No but in my line of work (Army) it is all but mandatory <_<

Like they don't mandate it (because they'd have to pay us extra if they did) but you must be contactable. Which if you don't have a (cell) phone, then you're just making your own life more frustrating. Leadership will just play dumb games with you, like having you report places for info or whatever, beyond what we normally do.

Downside to it being all but manatory is it wreaks havok on my anxiety. Mix of always knowing some BS could come down or if my phone is low on battery having extra anxiety of it dying
Well in the military, youre on 24/7 recall. Not having a phone means now we have to dedicate resources to track you down if necessary during a time when manning is critical.

Id make your life very inconvenient if I had to do that.
If you're not getting promoted, it's not because you're not good at your job. It's because you're good at ONLY your job.