Why don't women just objectify men back?

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Gladius_ posted...
I'm not asherlee but yes since there's a difference between tasteful appreciation and objectification. Objectification is when you reduce someone down to just a sex object. Deflating all value the person has other than what they can do for you sexually.

There is an exception:

Consent. People consenting to objectification is different from people who don't.

There's also a huge difference of "wow he/she are really good looking." And objectification.

Also FDS is a bad example as that's a sexist hate group. Not quite the same thing. (Not arguing that women don't objectify men. Objectification happens between race and gender. There's no barrier.)
Ah you know what this is prolly along the lines of what they meant.

Which is of course the natural conclusion anyone with a brain and basic self control should come to imo

Anyway back to the thread

If they do it back then it's a wash, right?
everything is going to b o k