Racist GOP Sen. Tom Cotton asks man from Singapore if he is a Chinese Communist

Current Events

ATfire567 posted...
Yes, Singapore is a democracy. We are given the chance to vote for PAP or opposition parties, which is more than I can say for the CCP.

LMAO you're lying now. Earlier you admitted that you aren't allowed to criticize the PAP but it's okay because muh prosperity!

ATfire567 posted...
I mean, it is considered a safety hazard for the citizens when the government or whatever the CCP calls itself is attempting to wage war with other countries who have a much better claim to their territories than China does. And you shouldnt be talking about moving goalposts when you brought up the economies of China and Singapore when I said nothing of the sort.

More lies from you. China had not fought a war since 1979. China's military buildup is largely in response to the USA's Pivot to Asia program designed to maintain US influence in the region.

LOL @ your claims that Vietnam and Philippines are somehow entitled to the SCS. Reminder when China drew up the maritime boundaries most SEA countries were foreign colonies.

ATfire567 posted...
Okay, and I can provide sources of my own too that prove it exists:

More useless articles from from clickbait mainstream media simply recycling rumors. Why don't you actually ask actual researches?


Keep in mind in pretty much every Western country, if you fail to pay your court fines, you'd get your driver's licence suspended. But it's only bad when China does it right?

ATfire567 posted...
It doesnt matter how big or small the population is. There are similarities between many Asian countries after World War 2, where they all had to overcome challenges to develop in order to integrate into the modern world.

Oh please. Singapore was already developed under the British. China was barely industrialized before WW2, was under the control of bickering warlords, had regular famines that kill millions, and the average life expectancy was 39. Totally comparable!

ATfire567 posted...
I admit that Amos Yee shouldnt have been jailed for posting hate speech on religions and the governments, but he ended up being convicted as a pedophile after moving to USA anyway, so he clearly isnt right in the head.

Oh so that retroactively justifies Singapore's draconian laws right? Didn't you claim Singapore to be a democracy?

ATfire567 posted...
I brought up Winnie The Pooh for memes and as a joke to lighten the mood, but you cant deny that restricting people from accessing widely used social media and search engines like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google is significantly impairing their ability to integrate into the modern world.

Implying Western social media are the end all of knowledge, and that they don't have to follow the laws of countries they operate in. Someone who get their knowledge of foreign countries entirely from Western social media have no room to tell actual Chinese how to run their country.