Ugh, I need help convincing a friend that chem trails aren't real.

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Current Events » Ugh, I need help convincing a friend that chem trails aren't real.
A work friend and I were talking this morning and she brought up airplanes and airplane accidents and we talked about that briefly. Suddenly she asks me, "Do you know about chem trails?" to which I said "Those aren't real." and she said her husband, who is also my friend, also doesn't believe they're real. But she said she's willing to let me convince her what they really are. I tried to explain that it has to do with moisture and temperature, but since I'm not fully knowledgeable on it, that's just as much as I could tell her. So now I tried looking up youtube videos explaining how the condensation trails are made, but they're just full of crazy conspiracy comments.

How can I show or explain what's going on to her?

She's not a stupid conspiracy nut, just uninformed and willing to listen.
Without truth, there is nothing.
Show her frogs having heterosexual intercourse and ask how that would be possible if chem trails were real?
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"I thought about what you said, and did some honest research. Turns out, the radiation from 5G breaks up the mind control agents in the chemtrails, so there's nothing to worry about. But we really need to talk about that moon cheese."
Chicken butt.
I literally saw a chemtrail billboard the other day. There's no hope for humanity
Dynamite with a laser beam
How can cemtrails be real if birds aren't real?
I was a God, Valeria. I found it...beneath me. - Dr. Doom
Raccoons work for the government
Explain to her the concept of peer-reviewed science...

it's hopeless.
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okay it's like this: the jet engine is super fucking hot, yea?

that hot water actually FREEZES sometimes, like when people throw boiling water in the air and it freezes.

in the atmosphere, and also cause of the engine, there is a lot of soot and dust as well, these make great "starter crystals" for the boiling water, which freezes around the dirt really really quickly.

when the humidity in the area is really high, the contrails stay for hours, cause it's cold and wet.

other times planes dont do this, cause it's hot and/or dry where the contrail forms. they melt after a few seconds, or half a minute.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
they are not jet streams, they are called 'contrails.'
chemtrails are real, they are not real in the way that conspiracy theorists claim.
no ones talking about cloud seeding either

this is why society is collapsing yall
This reminds me of the people who think my work is polluting the atmosphere when they think they see "white smoke" coming from our stack (I work at a power plant) even when we are burning natural gas. I always chuckle and tell them to look at their roof vent on their house in the winter when their furnace is running and ask if they are putting "white smoke" into the atmosphere?

The news even came to film one time and they literally filmed our cooling tower and were filming the evaporation of water but everyone thought it was white smoke lol.
PSN ID: sled_dogs76
60" Pioneer Kuro Elite PRO151FD, Yamaha RX-V3900 A/V Receiver, Oppo DV983-H player. Coming soon: 2 Seaton Submersives from Mark Seaton
Robot2600 posted...
okay it's like this: the jet engine is super fucking hot, yea?

that hot water actually FREEZES sometimes, like when people throw boiling water in the air and it freezes.

in the atmosphere, and also cause of the engine, there is a lot of soot and dust as well, these make great "starter crystals" for the boiling water, which freezes around the dirt really really quickly.

when the humidity in the area is really high, the contrails stay for hours, cause it's cold and wet.

other times planes dont do this, cause it's hot and/or dry where the contrail forms. they melt after a few seconds, or half a minute.
Thank you. That's pretty much what was said in one of the videos I watched, but the comments were just rancid and made me think that if I linked the video to her, she would read through the comments and help fuel her thoughts.
Without truth, there is nothing.
Prop planes are much more a disaster than jet trails. Jet fuel doesn't have lead in it.
Current Events » Ugh, I need help convincing a friend that chem trails aren't real.