Besides how politics in older entertainment is overlooked,

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Current Events » Besides how politics in older entertainment is overlooked,
Especially in Star Trek or Super Heroes, sensitivity or oversensitivity arguably is made too much to be a modern only problem.

As if the 1900s was this time of people being very chill and not letting concerns over their words and actions weigh on their minds.

I don't think that is true.

1. Namely the situation that hampered US comics overall, where parents blamed comics for corrupting children with the book from child therapist Frederick Wertham, Seduction of the Innocent.

Heck when Stan Lee and Marvel was requested, by the Government to write an anti-drug story in The Amazing Spider-Man #96-98*, the Comics Code of Authority refused to give approval to the content. Treating a story against drug use as bad.

Plus Morbius later being made via science was cause Vampires and such were a CCA no-no.

2. The 70s in terms of animation? Basically playing it as safe and friendly as possible:

A. Yeah Itchy and Scratchy cartoons turning the cat and mouse duo into best friends with no slapstick (Itchy & Scratchy VS Marge)? Not some strawman thing. Tom & Jerry had such a cartoon mid-70s which is even on Tubi (Yay?).

Besides that detail, would a chill society that doesn't get worked up need anti-censorship based shows? Heck Beavis & Butthead Lightning Strikes tackled the show's actual censorship (Beavis' fascination with fire which the 2011 and current episodes are able to acknowledge).

Person interviewing them even tries to find a recent concert to blame and shakes off the notice of a Ben Franklin document which the two did watch and try to emulate.

B. Superfriends until it's last two Seasons pretty much tame as it could be. First Season barely had any ill intending criminals and the group was 100% without tension friends.

And yeah best example of no fisticuffs which since Aquaman didn't have much S&P ways to subdue an enemy was made into a joke for years.

Heck, I think even say My Little Pony Friendship is Magic or The Ghost and Molly McGee would seen as too intense by 70s standards.

*Especially like to bring this up as an example of heavy handed politics and one that doesn't let the audience decide where they stand on the matter.

Randy Robertson lays into Norman Osborn for not using his wealth and presence to combat against drugs.

Even more significant? Peter is often very guarded with his secret. Even eager to get revenge on Uncle Ben's killer he still suited up.

When finding out who gave Harry Osborn his drugs? Pummels them without even the slightest care about revealing himself.
Amalgam Universe resident Born in 82.
But you see, there were a couple months around a decade ago where not liking sex in video games was brought up by some people on Tumblr, so that erases everything that happened before and after and means liberals are the real censors!
Current Events » Besides how politics in older entertainment is overlooked,