TIL 'rocket propelled grenade' is a backronym, not what RPG actually stands for.

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Current Events » TIL 'rocket propelled grenade' is a backronym, not what RPG actually stands for.

The term "rocket-propelled grenade" is a backronym from the Russian acronym ( , Ruchnoy Protivotankovy Granatomyot ), meaning "handheld anti-tank grenade launcher", the name given to early Russian designs.[2][3][4]


It don't matter. None of this matters.

Semi related - The name AT4 is a homophone; it's an 84mm round. It's also just stupid fun to play with
Cookin like a chef, I'm a 5 Star Michelin
morning bump
It don't matter. None of this matters.
ruski propelled grenada
http://i.imgur.com/hwZyGuA.jpg - courtesy of the homie United_World
born in this world crying, but die laughing.
Yeah, the Russians essentially took the design from the German Panzerfaust design.
Furthermore, The GOP is a Fascist Organization and must be destroyed
The first Soviet RPGs were just handheld anti-tank grenades ( Ruchnoy Protivotankovy Granat) . The RPG-1 was their first attempt at a rocket-propelled anti-tank launcher, but it didn't work very well. The RPG-2 worked and was put to production, but it was a recoilless gun like the Panzerfaust, instead of rocket-propelled. The RPG-7 was their first working rocket-propelled design, and its popularity led to the term "RPG" being used as a generic term for rocket launchers.
Current Events » TIL 'rocket propelled grenade' is a backronym, not what RPG actually stands for.