Got yelled at by a homeless guy in the park and I am SHOOK

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Current Events » Got yelled at by a homeless guy in the park and I am SHOOK
Guy had a German Shepherd he was just letting run around loose, guy behind us had two small dogs, as soon as the Shepherd saw the dogs he ran to the guy and started jumping on him and barking and everything. I stayed back as my family went ahead, just to make sure no one got hurt. Guy finally got his dog under control then started walking towards me shouting "What the fuck are you staring at, what are you gonna do?".

Got this anxiety and adrenaline rush, I just responded I was standing there to make sure no one got hurt and that I didn't want to start any trouble. Things diffused but still freaky. Happy 2024
RS3: UltimaSuende
Homeless people can be scary.

I visited San Antonio a few years ago with my gf and we were walking down the sidewalk in the city in the evening, I think on our way to Whataburger actually, and a homeless guy asked us for some money as we walked by. I didnt say much but it was something along the lines of no, sorry and he yelled out crackerrrs! crackerrrs! Lol would we have been crackers if we had given you money you racist fuck? We just kept moving and luckily he didnt follow us. But what would he have had to lose if he decided we were the ones? I think about that a lot, what I wouldve done.
PSN: LoveLikeJazz
Current Events » Got yelled at by a homeless guy in the park and I am SHOOK