I watched Aquaman 2 so you don't have to *minor spoilers*

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Crimsoness posted...
Tbf Loki go the same treatment in the MCU
I mean... I didn't like Loki's situation either. I'd also argue he was never redeemed.

Unmarked spoilers below.

He killed countless people in the service of Thanos and before in Thor 1.

Loki being let out of jail by Thor in Thor 2 led to Loki deposing Odin and ultimately led to Hela being released (prematurely) in Thor 3, leading to the death of Asgard.

Heck, only reason he helped Thor in Thor 2 was to avenge his mother who died because of Loki. In Thor 3, he tried to stab Thor in the back multiple times, even if it was mostly played for comedy. Still mostly comes off as a villain who swiped the Space Stone when it was convenient.

Then Thor 3 ended and he was headed off to Earth with Thor. I see no scenario where he would not end up in a place like the Raft after heading Thanos's alien invasion in the first Avengers movie considering people like Zemo end up there for far less. Of course, Thanos got to him first and we never got to see that realized.

As for the Disney+ Loki who exists due to the time heist in Avengers Endgame, I've only seen Season 1, but he wasn't redeemed in any way there. Instead, he was mostly paling around with the Female Variant of himself, Sylvie, who like himself also was a villain who by killing He Who Remains, unleashed many variants of Kang on the Marvel Multiverse.

So yeah, I still consider Loki (all variants for what it is worth, although particularly the first Loki and Sylvie) a villain.