I've started to transission from cigarettes to snus.

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mariolover2 posted...
Consider buying a volcano vape for weed. If its legal in your state, you can save a lot of money, plus the vapor is efficient a buzz. And the vaporizered weed can be rolled afterward!

I used to smoke 3-6 jays a day. Now zero. The volcano vape is not harsh, and bags are used so its comparable to a bong. And I barely use weed now.

Some like to use tobacco in spliffs or bongs. Which I did when I had low esteem. But never met a person who vaporizes their tobacco. I dont even know if the nicotine chemicals are released in this machine.

Weed is very illegal in Sweden, and they are just makinh laws even stricter while the rest of the world is doing the opposite.

http://i.imgur.com/hRsG4.jpg https://i.imgtc.com/zZQ38Hb.jpg
http://i.imgur.com/Z4cir.gif http://i.imgur.com/qEyGS.gif https://imgur.com/37KDT