I've started to transission from cigarettes to snus.

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Im enjoying it.

Smoking is just stupid and bad, smells disgusting and makes everything in my health for the worse.

But waking up, having coffee and a smoke just so relaxing and nice, smokebreaks are just a nice moment.

Snus has still plenty of pros.

Fun to try out different flavors, there is tons of different ones and I have that to look forward to.

Can sate your nicotine addiction without the need of taking a break and make everything stink.

Still not healthy but much better than cigaretter

Cheaper, and its getting a tax reduction soon (and cigarettes taxes go up).

Ive already felt the need to smoke much less.

Hopefully I can wane off snus later on once Im done with cigs.
http://i.imgur.com/hRsG4.jpg https://i.imgtc.com/zZQ38Hb.jpg
http://i.imgur.com/Z4cir.gif http://i.imgur.com/qEyGS.gif https://imgur.com/37KDT