Finally got to watching Hbomberguy's plagiarism video

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Okay, it was really good. I still think he could've done a slightly better job at editing down the watch time, but he was definately going for the throat regarding James Somerton. I would say he ruined his youtube career, but the reality was that Somerton did it to himself. Such a piece of shit.

Filip (the Dead Cells plagiarist who used to work at IGN), Cinemassacre (feel really bad for James Rolfe on this one, it was mostly Screenwave's fault), and Illiminauttii were not really a surprise by any means. The biggest surprise though was Internet Historian... like holy shit was that a bomb. I get he wasn't the main story (James Somerton was), but Man Cave being a word for word plagiarism of an article written from Mental Floss. I don't understand from IH perspective, he did something kind of similiar with "My Immortal" when he read a fanfic and had some great editing along with it. Instead of doing that, he really try to pass off "Man Cave" like it was his own work and he would've gotten away with it if it were not for Hbomberguy's video. I'm just hoping that was his only video that he plagiarized.

Overall good watch, I definately reccomend the James Somerton section of the video.