Should Nature Documentary Film Crews Save Animals?

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Current Events » Should Nature Documentary Film Crews Save Animals?
I say yes depending on the circumstances. Like Im watching Planet Earth and a bunch of Elephants were walking through a sandstorm to find a new environment and a baby elephant who got sand in its eyes got lost. It started to walk the wrong way because it got turned around and separated from its mother. The narrator was like, it tried to follow in its mothers footsteps, but in sadly in the wrong direction. Then they cut to next scene.

I get when animals are trying to hunt for food, but damn help a baby elephant out so it doesnt get lost or help an antelope out when it cant swim while crossing a lake lol.
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They probably shouldn't cause in the pursuit of happy endings they may start to fabricate scenarios where they're intentionally placing animals in danger just to rescue them for the cameras. This is something that already happens with quite a few youtubers or some other documentary crews.
Who is? I am!
Unless it's, say, a turtle with a plastic ring wrapped around it's neck where it won't ever realistically be free of it, then I'd err on not interfering.

In affairs of a predator taking down prey, definitely not
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
Current Events » Should Nature Documentary Film Crews Save Animals?