Absolutely. It's funny, thinking back to when Ironman 1 came out, it was a surprisingly excellent movie for a superhero who at the time wasn't very popular with the masses in a way like Spiderman or Batman were. I really enjoyed it, but never did I imagine it would turn into what it has.
While I'll admit they have (mostly) maintained a high level of quality for the films, if you're like me and only went to see a marvel movie every couple years, it now seems insurmountable to watch them all. 33 goddamn films and no end in sight. Thats not even getting into tv shows too.
While I've liked most of the ones I HAVE seen, I feel like I'll probably never go back and watch most of them. I haven't even seen a third of them, and the thought of watching them all is exhausting. Like are they all worth it? Is Thor 2 just a filler episode? Are half the movies filler episodes leading up to Avengers? Idk just my own crappy opinion.
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