Should I buy Cyberpunk 2077?

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Current Events » Should I buy Cyberpunk 2077?
I know nothing about it besides that its an open world shooter in the future and Ive never played/watched anything related to the series. Im a casual gamer but love other sandbox games like GTA and RDR. So Im just looking for a game that will keep me occupied for the next month or so because Ill be staying from work because I just had surgery.
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Given what you said, yes.
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Yes, absolutely.
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and get the Idris Elba expansion pack as well!

imagine a GTA like futuristic RPG where you can add body mods and unlock all sorts of abilities.
It's basically GTA with robot arms.

The ideas for cyberpunk 2077's structure is very lazy.
Dumpy Trumpy: Inmate No. P01135809
i wouldnt relate it to gta or RDR.

Its more like Deus Ex but in a larger and more open map.

its honestly one of the most immersive games Ive played recently and with the new update, combat is really fun.

and its worth getting the dlc. The Phantom Liberty quest line is one of the best in the game.
sure, especially if you have no expectation, but the first hour or so can be a bit slow. dont forget the expansion as it has the best content in the game.
Cocytus posted...

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Current Events » Should I buy Cyberpunk 2077?