Powerball is at a billion dollars tonight, did you buy a ticket CE

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itachi15243 posted...
I'm surprised this topic is still going.

Just bought a few tickets while I was at the gas station. If I won I would definitely take the monthly option. Almost sixty million a year for basically the rest of my life? Feels like it would be hard to go wrong. >.>
The annuity option pays out annually over 30 years, with the first payment being the smallest and the last payment the largest. You wont see the overwhelming vast majority of the money for several decades.

Avirosb posted...
Ah but that's not a ~fun~ way to make money.
Haha, yea, and diversification of assets / investments is also about protecting your money. Like when they say dont put all your eggs in one basket.

projectpat72988 posted...
Still might as well take lump sum since there is apparently a chance your family won't get the rest of the money.

Also the lotti s at 1.7 billion but you don't actually get that. You're losing more than half to taxes. Right now the cash option is 757 million. NOT a bad problem to have though lol.
The lump sum is the jackpot; the 1.7 billion is an estimate of how much it could become in 30 years if they invest for you. For taxes, you will have to pay about 37%.