Got 2 assholes kicked out of the gym!

Current Events

I get wanting to record yourself to see if you want to check your form, but when you're intrusive as fuck like not letting someone use a machine close to you because "you're in my shot" then fuck you.

That's exactly what these couples were doing. Even when I tried asking how many sets they had left (they were on the machine close to 30 minutes), they refused to answer and when I told them I was going to use it anyways, the man threatened me with a "go ahead, see what happens".

So I "karen'd" their ass to the manager and, hilariously, they're not even allowed to record in the gym to begin with. All of a sudden this "alpha male" started acting like the nicest guy in the world and starting making excuses like, "well other people record themselves as well, but you don't say anything about it." and "this is how we put money on the table, we need to do this or we're going back to living on the streets." When both the couples kept refusing to stop recording and not leave the premise, the manager called the police in and arrested the both of them. Karma just feels so good.
