1 random superpower, but for 5 years, you'll have a super hot psychic coworker..

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Temporal Transcendence
The user exists beyond the concept of time, which makes them absolutely immune to its effects and all that is caused by it time and temporal phenomena/powers. They are ageless and untouchable to anything that happens in time. As their body exists beyond time, they do not expend any energy, and neither need to eat nor sleep or get fatigued, any diseases do not progress, thus rendering them immune to diseases. They may also exhibit regenerative capabilities as a result of their temporal transcendence, as their bodies will always revert to the point in time in which they were not injured.

I don't think she could even read my mind in that state. Like, she'd have to avoid using her powers to read my mind because trying to understand my thoughts as they were moving around infinitely in time would drive her insane.

Actually the powers themselves would be the worst part. How could I possibly go back to a normal life after existing like that?
And who are you, my little friend? Not a spoon... not a fork... but something in between. A fpoon. What will you think of next, Germany?