I started playing some old Thief games (ongoing spoilers)

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Shotgunnova posted...
It occurs to me that I might be able to pickpocket keys from guards if I sidled up behind 'em. Should check that later and see if it's possible.

Understandable. If I didn't kill some dudes in the second level, I probably would've done similar things, although I still tossed corpses into the shadows for old time's sake. I don't want a situation where the alarm is on and multiple hammer guys are using my head as a tympani.
Yeah this is my gripe with the genre.

In Dishonored for example, you can unlock a power that literally disintegrates bodies when you kill someones, a stealth assassins dream as you dont even have to hide bodies anymore.

So you know they didnt find a single body, so long as you dont kill anyone until youve unlocked that power, yet if you start killing people with it, the world magically goes to shit with weepers and rats everywhere and you automatically get the bad ending.

Its like Hey, here are all these cool powers and tools to kill people with, but dont use them!
Console war in a nutshell: