Lawl there's devs trying to say Baldurs Gate 3 should not be the new standard of

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Nobody's reasonably asking or expecting small time indie devs to be able to make a game on the scale of BG3, Elden Ring, etc. It is a strawman argument. (It's still a funny one, though, when you nevertheless have the big-time AAA studios chiming in and whining about how they can't seem to do it though, even with far superior manpower and resources, and is where the bulk of my git gud sentiment is aimed at.)

What they want are developers who actually give a shit about the products they make and the people that play them. Because yeah, that will show in the product you make, even if the scope of the game isn't as large as with BG3. For me, it was clear just seeing this game's EULA. When even that is written in a way that gets the user to actually want to read it, you know it bodes well for the actual content of the game.