How many of you have your wisdom teeth?

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Got mine all removed in April. Two were impacted (one top one bottom), and the other two were ruptured. Plus, my bottom wisdom teeth were beginning to cause me to bite down on the sides of my cheek occasionally starting around February.

All good now, though I've kinda had to retrain myself to chew because it made me realize how much I'd been favoring chewing with them before.

The procedure was also thankfully not as harrowing as I was expecting. If there's two things I definitely don't like, it's surgeries and dentist offices, so I wasn't looking forward to it. I wasn't even put under, just given some comfortable laughing gas. And whatever numbing shot they used was some top rate shit because I didn't really feel any pain. Most of my teeth popped out with very little fuss. The only one that caused, at worst, slight discomfort was when they had to drill one of my bottom ones in half due to its positioning. But my surgeon was a very nice woman who knew what she was doing and I couldn't have been in better hands.