Remember when Gamefaqs got pissed Undertale won Best Game Ever in the polls?

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Robot2600 posted...
that video was so fucking good. more videos like that. i want to deep dive into gamefaqs drama. im flying a spaceship in my game and it takes forever

The only reason I found this video was because my coworker saw me having the gamefaqs tab open and showed me this video, which was fucking hilarious because it showcased a lot of Gfaqs homophobia and taking something as insignificant as the polls seriously lol. I typed Gamefaqs in youtube but nothing of significance showed up. There was a hilarious video of some people reading gamefaqs comments regarding a resident evil game but I can't find it anymore.

Are you playing No Man Sky?

NeonTentacles posted...
Yeah because it was a new game and the poll was raided by tumblr nerds.

It didnt deserve to win. Yes I'm still salty about a video game poll that means nothing in the grand scheme lol

Which of those comments were yours?