Fox News anchor argues that Jews survived holocaust by "being useful"

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DarthAragorn posted...
Fuck off

If you're more upset about seeing this than you're upset about it happening, then you're part of the problem

Oh yes im sure youre deep in the trenches of activism every day fighting to bring down Fox News. Please, your im mad posts about this do as much about it as me preferring to not even see it. Im just not addicted to outrage and only think things I need to know and/or can do something about matter. Its no different than those THIS GUY HAD SEX WITH AND MURDERED A CHILD topics we get here. We all post about how mad we are, and then move on to the next thing to be mad about AKA exactly what the people that create and pass around these stories and clips want, yummy yummy clicks comments views mmmmmmm. Its bullshit. Its not spreading awareness to mobilize people to act for change, its just content engagement for the sake of conversation. So yeah, YOU fuck off.
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